First Year in Business...not an easy task.

This Saturday we celebrated our first year in business! We have officially been open for a year now... that went fast! We had cupcakes, deals on products and some other giveaways. We even added a new room to display our products and I moved my wreath making room downstairs. I wish I would have done that sooner!
Being a business owner is a dream come true... somedays! They do tell you the first few years are the hardest which I am finding is true. I have been selling online for years and this is by the far the hardest of the two. Driving traffic to your new place, advertising, marketing and crossing your fingers people will show up.
I am still learning how to grow my business and so thankful for all the amazing support. I could not do this without my husband who pushes me everyday. He gives me the courage and strength I need to keep pushing through. I am also thankful for my friend Katelyn. Without her help I would be completely lost! Ha!
My goal is for our little shop to be a destination stop, not just a drive by. I want people to know we are here for the long haul. So, make sure when you are in McMinnville OR to come and see us! You won't be disappointed!
Thank you to all that support my small business and hope to see you all again soon!!
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